Time portal Berlin

A virtual reality film about time travel into the history of Berlin
Видео представлено в VR формате. Вы можете вращать его с помощью мышки или если смотрите с мобильного устройства, то через приложение YouTube.
About project
The goal is to immerse museum visitors in a brief history of Berlin through a virtual reality film that creates a unified collective image of the city and conveys the atmosphere of its historical journey.

Work on the project by order began in September 2019. In 2020, two pilot scenes were completed. The first is the burning of books at Bebelplatz in Berlin, and the second is an air raid on the city in 1945.

The filming resolved the most complex creative challenges in the Russian VR video production industry to date. Combined computer graphics, motion capture, working with extras, 3D architectural modeling, historical reconstruction, costume work, simulation of natural effects, high resolution.

Currently, the project is on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic that began in 2020 and then the Special Military Operation.
The film is about how the two pilot scenes were created.
Concept art of the book burning scene on Bebelplatz Square
Concept art with the two main characters of the book burning scene.
Concept art. View from the cockpit of a stormtrooper in the scene of the bombing of Berlin.
Concept art. The scene of the bombing of Berlin, the episode of the attack of the tower in the Tiergarten.
The participants of the filming, the members of the crew and the actors of the mass scenes.
The actors of the mass scenes and the second director Alexey Averin.
Maxim Nikonov on the director's chair. Next to the cameraman Ivan Shilov and Elizaveta Dudina, a CG specialist.
The shooting pavilion in St. Petersburg